Currently we have 31 tools that allow you to generate content in seconds. Below is a list of guides on how to use each of them.
E-mail Subject (Fun) E-mail Subject (Generic) E-mail Subject (Sales) Emails - Subject and Body (Newsletter) Facebook Ads Facebook Thanksgiving Post Google Ads Google Ads (Problem to Solution) Google Ads w/ Keywords Hacker News Image Posts (Big Brand) Image Posts (Re-Targeting - Urgency) Landing Page (Emoji Headlines) Landing Pages (Headlines) Networking Outreach Product Descriptions Product Descriptions - Emojis Product Hunt Product Paragraphs - (How to Use it) Product Paragraphs - (Problem → Solution) Product/Business - Tagline Generator Reddit Short Post (Bird Social) Short Post - Inspirational (Business) Short Posts Ads YouTube - Keywords to Video Title YouTube - Opening Line YouTube - Random Video Ideas YouTube - Video Outline